Now what could be so very difficult, to forgive all those who did not care? Just light a fire and say, "I forgive thee", so I can fly eternally. I want to be free today, to learn how to seek and pray, but my brothers who long to be, is here inside my heart for thee.
Come hold my hand, come stay awhile, the place I know is secure not vile, and we could be in sanctuary, when we choose love eternally. My heart is warmth glowing just for you, to be the heart with all the clues. Now what can I do for you today, I hope and pray you look my way.
The days are long and nights are sweet, because I dream eternally. And I have to open all the seams to know the blanket keeps me warm with thee. come hold my hand and understand. come sail the seas to distant lands, and we could live eternally, when we choose love emotionally.
The days are long, but work is great. I sing along to be with the wind. Because I know you are there within, the heart of ONENESS, the heart to win. For love will choose a better way, to be the heart of all who play, to be with flowers blooming each day, because I love you, more this way.
glowing-hands 1000 times weaker than our eye vision can detect
I reach into the heart of gold, to hand my hands to hand and hold. So you could be with me in time, the heart of lands where G_ah_d does shine. Can you come home with me this day? Can you come out and learn to play? I want you near me for this way, for all can learn and leap to play.
The days are long and nights are sweet, the hand of G_ah_d is bittersweet, but we would have it no other way, to learn and sing and dance all day. I hold my heart for you to learn, I hold the days that are in bloom and I could be with you this day, when you learn how to dance and pray.
Don't hold onto your grudges and despise, because you don't really have alibis. We are one family from G_ah_d above, let us bring heaven home this dove. Let peace reign throughout the land, let all be the holding hands, for we are going home this day, when we choose to learn and pray.
Come one, come all it's time to swim, to be in the higher lands of whim and we could be eternally, when we stand on mountains and feel the breeze. And down below the rivers flow, the pure of waters that do know, the relatives who come to greet, to be open hearts when you are in grief.
Dance with me. Hold my hand, Open windows for distant lands. let our Brothers Sisters come home, so we could be the heart of ONE. Don't walk away, when you could rejoice, instead of hate, gift love of course, but being rainbow warriors has a stance, to stand upon the law of chance. The chance to wail for truth this day, after you hold the heart of display.
Gift what you have, to all who don't then you will learn what to do when it's your turn. Hail to Mary (the star that shines within the sea, of relatives of you and me, tears that flow to know)("star of the sea", "wished-for child; rebellion; sea of bitterness"), the Mother to G_ah_d, for she is here to hold out loud. For Mary (bittersweet) is the hand of G_ah_d, the open hearted to hands us love. Great Spirit Mother does not turn away, but always come to make a display, to show you how to be so kind, when you need more than just a lime.
Mary (bittersweet) is the hand of G_ah_d, the Great Spirit Mother who comes this loud, she shouts and screams for all to sea, because she loves you more than me. And I am here a servant to her, to be so bold and care for her. So she doesn't have to be this way, but be the heart of loving display.
Yet we must choose to help her to descend, upon the rolling hills and the wind, for heaven is coming home real soon. It's now the time to learn the views or open doors and so much more, the gifts of rainbow we adore, the fountain of youth in everyone, has come home to us, when we find the sun.
Let it rise inside of our hearts. Let it be so much apart of our lives eternally, when we choose love emotionally. Gift to our Great Spirit Mother who guides and Gift to Great Spirit Father who is sly, because of them, we have a way, to come home and learn about display. (all about love)
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Heartbeat Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star
Star of David for sanctuary for the beloved children of G_ah_d (voice of heaven speaks)
Nu 15,37-41 shows that the command of Tzitzit applies only to clothing, as the passage specifically states "And they will make for themselves Tzitzit on the corners of their garments" (Nu 15,38). The Biblical Hebrew word for garments (BeGeD) relates to something that is worn as clothing and the commandment can be fulfilled by wearing a garment which has Tzitzit on it. Furthermore, Dt 22,12 specifically states that the Tzitzit are to be put "on the four corners of your prayer cloth which you cover yourself with".

The Torah commands that every four cornered garment have strings attached to it and among those strings must be a strand of blue (Tekhelet) (Nu 15,38). We faithfully carry out this practice by placing a blue string on their Tzitzit.
Place a blue string on the Tzitzit, however the dye needed for the blue has been lost, though many believe it was of a snail or turtle, a water creature. The Torah does not state which dye must be used to create the blue strings. Any dye that produces the color blue is sufficient.
The strings of the Tzitzit are to be tied into a chain-like knot and placed on the corners of four-cornered garments. This is commanded in Dt 22,12 which states "Chains [Gedilim, cf.1Ki 7,17] shall you make for yourself on the four corners of your clothing, with which you cover yourself with." The chain-like knots can be made in any number of ways (today's Karaites make the knots in a slightly different way than the Rabbanites).
The importance is that they have the appearance of links in a chain (Gedilim) and that they include at least one blue strand. The word Tzitzit itself literally means a "braid, plait" as in the verse "and took me by a plait (KJV: lock) of mine head". Thus the design of the Tzitzit must be like that of a braid/plait (interweave) of hair which is the same design as the links in a chain.

- Nu 15,37-41 "And YHWH spoke unto Moses saying, Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, And you shall make for yourselves Tzitzit on the corners of your garments for your generations; and you shall place on the Tzitzit of the corner a string of blue. And they shall be for you Tzitzit and when you see them and remember the commandments of YHWH and do them you shall not be led astray by your hearts and your eyes which you whore after. In order that you remember and do all my commandments and be holy to your G_ah_d. I am YHWH your G_ah_d who took you out of the land of Egypt to be to you G_ah_d; I am YHWH your God."
- Dt 22,12 "Chains shall you make for yourself on the four corners of your clothing which you cover yourself with."
The corner of the Prayer cloth which holds the Tzit Tzit is used every day by Suns of Israel. The Prayer cloth has four sides, like the House of G_ah_d, which covers us and keeps us safe, when we pray and stay sacred to the ways of Heaven. Just like our Houses have four corners that stand together and hold us safe, our flesh.
The prayer cloth is an extension of the house of G_ah_d, used in place of sanctuary or temple to keep us safe in times of peril. However in our evolutionary times we live in, we now call the whole of Earth our sanctuary, and it is round in girth to gain us the sacred circle of Oneness as Relatives who share brotherhood, the Golden era of the "Dawning".
The chains of blue represent the interweaving of our hearts that linger together in spirit. We do not live apart (separately), but together as our Souls travel in Oneness. As our Spiritual Souls journey we interweave with the next spirit, this joins our hearts, for our hearts gift us feelings. And feelings belong to tears. Tears shed pain and sorrow or happiness and joy where we have learned to suffer or experience jubliee. Suffering is done because we love others. This love is called the Red Road, the "LAW of LOVE", the flesh of our rainbow colors or light bodies (earthly).
The Blue Road is the soul of our spirit, our heart that lingers in the wind, like clouds in the sky blow to and fro, the dark bodies (heavenly). The House of G_ah_d is here to stand because we are joined from the four directions of light, with the strands of interweaving of darkness, together form the seeds of regeneration, and continuation of the eternal flowing. This is the Golden Path of Wisdom when the Red and Blue cross each other, represented by the swastika. We are motion that flows in time, we call evolution. When the four directions have the to and fro of our hearts, then we have six sides of the Star of David, joining the Crystalline perfection in all life.
The Tzit Tzit guides us to our Hearts, when our Youth of our Flesh doesn't remember the laws of heaven. Heaven is our numinous flowing, our tears of joy and tears of sorrow, when flowing, we have eternal knowing. The Tzit Tzit is to remind us of our Hearts and the laws of Heaven upon Earth which binds us to each other, as relatives. The blue of me and you, is the heart of all we do! Let us be the truth to the soul's that long to know, we are ONE. Welcome to the third phase of evolution, Heaven upon Earth.
Blessed Song I give to you, to know the Sacred Blue. The home that we long to know true, the loving Blue (heart knowing relatives). Where distance is just a call, when you need all that's water fall (tears) and spring will light up inside your heart to find the blue, red illumination's call (finding your spirit in the blue)...aho, may your spirit fly!
your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother, elder christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:17 AM, Flowers wrote:
ReplyDeleteFlowers has left a new comment on your post "The Star of the Sea, Where Our Heart unfolds!":
Your blog looks wonderful. It was nice going through your blog. keep it up the good work. cheers :)
I bring pass over to you, my heart does long to be bleu (freedom), the heart of always comes true, when faith is written on you. But so many, they don't really, think that G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) will bring, the heart that rings. And we are satisfied, to long for better skies, rather than trusting all the ones who came before us. It's time of prophecy, the living of all the devoted seas (blue tzitzit), and what could bring us home, we don't look at this loom (weaving of light and dark). It's a covering, the prayer cloth that helps us discover, that we are housing a truth, and it's called our soul. There is wisdom if we trust our heart's breath, the sanctity of loving all that is truth. But who can you depend on, when so many think they know lawns (green grass the home of paradise) and you don't know which way to turn? There's only one place, that speaks volumes, it's the prayer you turn to, that leads you true. Look at your heart inside, not at your pride outside, but bring the soul, that knows, the way to go. And when we follow you and me, and gift all, to the leaves (tree of life, our relatives who we share life with), then we know where we must go, on it's course of time. Let's not be blind any more, but instead let's find vision of a stare, where our hearts show us the way, with good old fashion love in the air. And it's where we need find, the song that leads us this time, to unite our hearts, to fight for broken hearts. There is wind in the clouds. There is flowing of the blood, but there is not wisdom that grows, with all the lies. Instead, let's hold each others hands, and feed all who do command, the soul of wisdom, the soul of pride (faith and humbleness), that offers us the ride. It's heaven inside. It's the grains of delight (abundance for all). It's where G_ad_d promises us paradise. Give your embrace to the world. Feed the homeless and the full. Open your hearts and give it all away. Brotherhood comes with a price, and we'd better think twice, because only love will allow us to survive. We are a hide (holy temple which resides a soul), the Rainbow Tribe.
ReplyDeleteSung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, sacred interpreter and akicita (marshal). Law (of love) has arrived. The Star of David has come home! Come receive your treasures and find your measures to the songs, that lie within our hearts. twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman or