I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

It is the Song of Angels that bring us home, into the Greatness that gets along. Do we need love, to rise above? Yes, bring us love that brings us all along, the laws that gets us from the rising tides, our hearts that swell and know our pride. Be that, is heard like Angels Call, we are the Rainbow Hall, where humbleness gifts life along, the path of Brotherhood. We bless the shoulders of grief befall, and send a blessings to that Great Hall, where we know tears, bring us new life, the light, that sheds all our strife. Be your color of bountifulness, the waking of the soul, that should, and we can offer wisdom here, to be the soul, that lives forever deer (journey of life). You the beloved knows good deeds,when we belong to all the leaves (relatives on the tree of life).

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Suns of Israel, Are We for Real? That's Right, "Is Real", Passover is Here!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

It is the Song of Angels that bring us home, into the Greatness that gets along. Do we need love, to rise above? Yes, bring us love that brings us all along, the laws that gets us from the rising tides, our hearts that swell and know our pride. Be that, is heard like Angels Call, we are the Rainbow Hall, where humbleness gifts life along, the path of Brotherhood. We bless the shoulders of grief befall, and send a blessings to that Great Hall, where we know tears, bring us new life, the light, that sheds all our strife. Be your color of bountifulness, the waking of the soul, that should, and we can offer wisdom here, to be the soul, that lives forever deer (journey of life). You the beloved knows good deeds,when we belong to all the leaves (relatives on the tree of life).
Passover Upcoming Jewish Holiday:

Passover March 29 - April 6, 2010

What is Shabbat Hagadol (Passover)

writes that, "Shabbat haGadol, is the Great Sabbath".  It was a time when Egypt and Israel celebrated the first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before the redemption where each man should take a lamb for the household (Exodus 12:3). This was only meant for this first generation who made the voyage into the desert ( forsaken; without life or cultivation) and out of bondage and slavery.  This was not for future generations to continue on as tradition.

A Lamb represents the heart of humbleness.  Bondage is not freedom, but humbleness that is free, knows the rolling hills of the rising sun, a dream that is given birth.  It is a great migration that took hold of the people, to teach of wandering, and it's purpose.  Here a Lamb, an innocent heart, who follows the laws of G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission), brings forth the knowing soul, that wanders to bee (dream, of the impossible flight) free.  Here we know and live Godly behaviors, where brotherhood is known (embrace of fellows, stories shared) and sisterhood is practiced (law of love, unification of broken hearts).

Even though G_ah_d tells the Jewish Nation in the Torah, not to continue this practice, this mitzvah is still carried out, because the whole meaning that was not understood about faith, brought questioning instead.  This is where Jews trust their intelligence (flesh) rather than their wisdom (soul).  Yet this practice is still continued, with lambs with no blemishes (a preclude of sacrifice).  This is meant to show that holiness and humbleness of heart is the sacrifice, and when we show our hearts to the world, we know a moral code of the laws of LOVE, Godly behavior.  This is the spiritual being which resides in us all, when we are devoted, faithful and trusting first, as law states, rather than questioning our faith in our soul's knowing, our wisdom written across our hearts.

Prophecy speaks of a Red Hefer, that would be a sign to the world, that law of love would again show the face of Godliness. Such Red Hefers are being born almost everywhere now. The Native Americans have a prophecy of the White Buffalo, which is being born all over the place too.  It is a sign, of the deliverance of the people. Where the Soul emerges from within, to walk as the humble heart of a LAMB, the rising sun, alightfromwithin.
Miracles were performed for the Children of Israel on this first Shabbat haGadol, to begin the great voyage of the faithful wanderer.  This is the seeker of knowledge, a wisdom rather than intelligence.  When the Torah commanded them to take a lamb and tie to their bedpost, was for the beginning, walking of faith.  This is what we are entering now, as we walk from the second phase of evolution into the third phase, where our soul and flesh cross roads, and unite to be walking and talking spiritual beings.  In other words, we begin to "do what we say" with pure hearts of faithful servitude.

The Egyptian neighbors considered the Lamb as a Deity, yet the Children of Israel was to slaughter this very Lamb. So you could imagine the misunderstanding of the two varying points of view, yet were speaking of the same humble heart of faith. Because of the Miracles performed in faith, this Passover offering has been given the name of Shabbat haGadol.

Written by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, House of the Beloved (Star of David)

Wanderers spent thirty nine years in the desert. Israel had three benefactors who sustained them in the desert: Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. These spiritual beings were seen as benefactors to all of Israel.  Their merit granted three gifts, and these gifts lead the people for months and years, into a body of instruction for all the world, to lead us and follow us into the third phase of evolution, the "dawning", the sun does rise from within!

the manna in the merit of Moses 
Moses is a crystal (christal) person, who brought truth of the Oneness of God to the people.  He was an Akicita, or one who is a Messenger of Law.  He was a Marshal to the people and considered all matters of the band including customs. Manna means the breath of life. How were the people going to live, in a place that held no life forces of sustenance for the people, other than faith?  Our breath offers us a flight of our souls, a place for our holy temple to house, the inner of heaven (a light from within). This is the dream of the whole of Oneness.  To bee a seeker, wanderer (sojourner) and one with faith, we could endure (suffer and know true love for all our relatives) and live out our dreams, for generations to come. It is humility to the bow of the Rainbow, that offers us the twelve houses of Israel.  Now evolution teaches us what this was all about, it's time to come home.  To rise up, and take the place as teachers to all of the world as chosen people.  And it takes a crystal person, to bring truth to the reflection of what we thought was knowledge.  Intelligence is the holy temple, but true knowledge is the soul, the blue of you and me, the relative eternal who knows true flight.

the clouds of glory in the merit of Aaron
Aaron is an Aqua person, who brought leadership to an unruly class of people, without laws.  When Moses delivered law, it was Aaron who brought it to the people.  And it was Aaron, the people followed.  As an Aqua person, there is a knowing of the flowing, where the great stream moves.  This ability gave him leadership stamina.  Also being a man, in the second phase of evolution, Man leads the world of flesh, and of the lights of earthly behavior.  It is important to note, that being a good leader is one who follows rather than one who leads.  With Brother Moses, who brought law of G_ah_d, there was a knowing of which way to follow both spiritually and physically.

the well in the merit of Miriam
Miriam also was an Aqua person, but she was also a female, which made her both female spirit and female flesh.  She was all woman.  Woman brings the laws of love to the people.  She represented the well of waters, where the blue of me and you flow, the relative, the embrace of our needs.  Also as an Aqua person, she was a leader to the people.  And this meant others did not question her, but rather followed her knowing of where to flow.  She was always giving to the people building a bridge into heavenly knowledge, our soul, where laws of love, did grow.

Written by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, House of the Beloved (Star of David). These writings were inspired by Eliyahu Kitov and Song of Redemption, our Aaron Benjamin, a Violet person and Priest of God.

Why is the Shabbat before Passover called "The Great Shabbat"?

writes there are a number of reasons for the Shabbat before Pesach is called "Shabbat Hagadol" (the "Great Shabbat").  He continues to list reasons below.

1) The primary event commemorated on this Shabbat is a great miracle which occurred on this day, several days before the Exodus. The Jewish people were commanded by Moses to take a lamb and tie it to their bedposts on Shabbat, the 10th day of Nissan, five days before they were to leave Egypt. When the Egyptians inquired by the Jews why they were buying lambs en masse, they were told that these lambs were intended for the Paschal Offering, which would be sacrificed in preparation of the Plague of the Firstborn. For some reason, this information rattled the Egyptian firstborn, who immediately insisted that Pharaoh grant the Jews the liberty they demanded. When Pharaoh refused their request, the Egyptian firstborn waged war with Pharaoh's army, and many Egyptians who were guilty of atrocities against the Jews were killed on that day.

2) Furthermore, on this day it was demonstrated that the Egyptians were powerless against the Jews. They must have been mightily peeved by the fact that the Jews were planning to slaughter lambs, an Egyptian deity -- but were incapable of doing anything to hamper their plans.

3) Some suggest that this Shabbat earned the title "Gadol," because it is the day when the rabbis traditionally deliver extensive lectures about the laws of Passover, and pontificate about the lessons to be learned from the holiday.

4) The Haftorah read in many communities on this Shabbat speaks of the coming of Moshiach, referring to the day of his arrival as the "yom Hashem hagadol v'hanora" -- the "great" and awesome day of the L-rd.

The Belief in Mashiach

The belief in the coming of Mashiach and the Messianic redemption is one of the fundamental principles of the Jewish faith.1 Every Jew must believe that Mashiach will arise and restore the Kingdom of David to its original state and sovereignty, rebuild the Bet Hamikdash (Holy Temple of Jerusalem), gather the dispersed of Israel, and in his days all the laws of the Torah shall be reinstituted as they had been aforetimes.2
Whoever does not believe in him, or whoever does not look forward to (and anticipate) his coming, denies not only [the words of] the other prophets but also [those of] the Torah [the Five Books of Moses] and of Moses our Teacher! For the Torah testifies about him, as it is said: “G-d, your G-d, will return your captivity and have compassion on you. He will return and gather you… If your dispersed be in the utmost end of the heavens… G-d will bring you…” (Deuteronomy 30:3-5) These words, explicitly stated in the Torah, compound all the things spoken by all the prophets.3
Some authorities view this principle as an integral part of the first of the Ten Commandments (“I am G-d, your G-d, who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage;” Exodus 20:2), which charges us with the belief in G-d, i.e.,“to know that He who created heaven and earth is the sole ruler above and below and in all four directions… This includes… [the principle] that man is asked in his judgment after death, ‘Did you long for salvation?’ The Scriptural source for this obligation is compounded in the above: just as we must believe that G-d took us out of Egypt, as it is written, ‘I am G-d, your G-d, who has taken you out from the land of Egypt’… so I want that you believe that I am G-d, your G-d, who will yet gather you and save you…”4

By J. Immanuel Schochet   More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
Rabbi Immanuel Schochet has written and lectured extensively on the history and philosophy of Chassidism and topical themes of Jewish thought and ethics. He is a renowned authority on Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism. He is rabbi of Cong. Beth Joseph, and professor-emeritus of Philosophy at Humber College, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Fire Purification

I bring pass over to you, my heart does long to be bleu (freedom), the heart of always comes true, when faith is written on you. But so many, they don't really, think that G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) will bring, the heart that rings.  And we are satisfied, to long for better skies, rather than trusting all the ones who came before us.  It's time of prophecy, the living of all the devoted seas (blue tzitzit), and what could bring us home, we don't look at this loom (weaving of light and dark).  It's a covering, the prayer cloth that helps us discover, that we are housing a truth, and it's called our soul.  There is wisdom if we trust our heart's breath, the sanctity of loving all that is truth.  But who can you depend on, when so many think they know lawns (green grass the home of paradise) and you don't know which way to turn?  There's only one place, that speaks volumes, it's the prayer you turn to, that leads you true.  Look at your heart inside, not at your pride outside, but bring the soul, that knows, the way to go.  And when we follow you and me, and gift all, to the leaves (tree of life, our relatives who we share life with), then we know where we must go, on it's course of time.  Let's not be blind any more, but instead let's find vision of a stare, where our hearts show us the way, with good old fashion love in the air.  And it's where we need find, the song that leads us this time, to unite our hearts, to fight for broken hearts.  There is wind in the clouds.  There is flowing of the blood, but there is not wisdom that grows, with all the lies.  Instead, let's hold each others hands, and feed all who do command, the soul of wisdom, the soul of pride (faith and humbleness), that offers us the ride.  It's heaven inside. It's the grains of delight (abundance for all).  It's where G_ad_d promises us paradise.  Give your embrace to the world.  Feed the homeless and the full.  Open your hearts and give it all away.  Brotherhood comes with a price, and we'd better think twice, because only love will allow us to survive.  We are a hide (holy temple which resides a soul), the Rainbow Tribe.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, sacred interpreter and akicita (marshal).  Law (of love) has arrived. The Star of David has come home!  Come receive your treasures and find your measures to the songs, that lie within our hearts. twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman or holinessdavid@alightfromwithin.org

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Sing Prayer Before the Meeting to Unite Hearts, to Resolve Conflicts!

2011-2012 / 5772 - 5773

Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year
1 Tishrei 5772
September 28-30, 2011

Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement
10 Tishrei 5772
October 7-8, 2011

Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles
15 Tishrei 5772
October 12-19, 2011

Simchat Torah - Rejoice with Torah
23 Tishrei 5772
October 20-October 21, 2011

Chanukah - Festival of Lights
25 Kislev 5772
December 20-28, 2011

Tu B'Shevat - New Year of Trees
15 Shevat 5772
February 8, 2012

Purim - Feast of Ester
14 Adar 5772
March 7-8, 2012

Pesach – The Passover
15 Nisan 5772
April 6-14, 2012

Shavuot - The Giving of the Torah
6 Sivan 5772
May 26-28, 2012

Tisha B'Av - Fast for Destruction and Renewal
9 Av 5772
July 28-29, 2012
House of the Beloved enjoys the spiritual tools gifted by Rabbi Efim Svirsky, however we do not support those who sell G_ah_d, G_d or God. Suggested donation would solve their position; supporting the heavenly blue road. Join the Great Give-A-Way!

Children Sing For Hashem to Welcome Uncle